Born in 1942
Graduated from Ecole Boulle and Ecole Nationale
Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris.
Live and paint in Honfleur since 1974

Member of the collective
"Contre-Courant" à Honfleur
Member of the Société Française de l'Aquarelle - SFA
Referenced on

Jean-Louis THIBAUT
draws your portrait in watercolour

If you would like to order
your watercolor portrait here are two possible formats

40 cm x 30 cm or 50 cm x 40 cm

Please enclose 10 cm x 15 cm or 13 cm x 19 cm
fine quality photographs with good contrast effects.
It will take an average 3 to 4 weeks
for your portrait to be completed, depending on quantities ordered
knowing that each portrait requires 30-40 hours.

A 30% deposit is required when placing your order,
either by cheque, postal order or Paypal.